I bought a used FlashPaq from a member and when I tried to tune my Jeep I get a message advising it's locked to another VIN. Sway Michael Buble Piano Sheet Music Pdf. If somebody can justify to me why you would then sell that product for $400 or so dollars with unlimited usage to someone who will make more profit than you in one day I am listening. Now, to develop that product there has been countless hours of work put in with the software, hardware (no simple 2 transistor circuits here folks!!), testing, R&D etc. Reality is no-one is that cheap so probably halve that time. Now this company happens to be really cheap, only $200 per tune, so worst case, 50 cars x $200 = $10,000, there is the purchase price back in one year. The person that purchases an unlimited version probably owns a workshop that sees say 50 - 100 cars per year getting the PCM's tuned, not to mention any mail order tunes they may offer. As a rough figure one of the other unlimited tuning packages out there will run you up near 10K for the whole deal, so many people think this is unfair, I personally do not, here's why. I am not about to announce that here as we have not decided yet, but I do want to give you all something to think about. Alot of people are enquiring about the licensing arrangements the Tuning side of EFILive will offer.